성공사례 WITHGO Licensed Administrative Agency

[튀르키예] G1, 불법체류, 강제출국 → 결혼비자
  • 조회 88

[튀르키예]  튀르키예남성 난민신청하여 G1비자로 체류하다가 기간만료 이후 불법체류, 한국인전부인과 이혼 과정에서 현부인 아이 출생, 각종 범죄로 벌금부과되어 강제출국대상 → 결혼비자로 체류자격변경한 허가사례

[Turkiye] A Turkye man applied for refugee status and stayed on a G1 visa, but stayed illegally after the expiration of the period. He gave birth to the current wife's child during a divorce with his Korean ex-wife. He was fined for various crimes and was subject to forced departure. → Case of permission to change residence status to marriage visa



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